What I do every day...March 26, 2025
/There was plenty of shooting at Tabarre Bridge last night. I did not hear of any deaths this morning, and we are grateful there was no terrorizing of the neighborhood, refugees running in every direction in the dark, bodies on the street from a massacre. Strange to be glad it was “just shooting.”
A kidnapped victim in our neighborhood this morning was not as lucky. Bullets hit a number of buildings and he was taken away in blood. He is a foreigner but I don’t know from where. I have intercede with gangs sympathetic to the humanitarian corridors we keep trying to carve out- like Moses opening the Red Sea- the corridors often close fast enough right after succeeding.
I even have pictures of his injuries from the gangs who are holding him. At least three bullet injuries. In then picture he looks dead, but they assure me he is not- but they won’t turn him over to me as I persistently have pleaded throughout the day. Even as late as tonight.
The listen to my arguments and tell me why they cannot give in.
As has been painfully shown many times over these years, and even again yesterday with the killed Kenyan soldier, the body is worth as much dead as alive, so why fight to save the person. The ransom stays the ransom.
It is agonizing, even though he is unknown to me. I am consumed with the desire to get him and bring him to the trauma specialists nearby: Doctors Without Borders. But I can’t break through because of the ransom they expect.
This morning we were able to get food and supplies to nuns in Carrefour, and get the three Sisters to Port au Prince who could not get through the gangs. They were joined by a priest who has a throat infection that makes him now unable to speak. Now that he is also here, thanks to our ambulance run today for him and the sister, he will see a doctor friday (the same doctor we evacuated from Port au Prince that I wrote about last week). So he was cut off from access to heathcare and now will see a doctor whose whole office is refugee.
Seven days ago we were asked by the Catholic pastor of a downtown Church to try to bring him to talk to the gangs attacking his area, which has been a war zone for weeks now. We were able to arrange the meeting, and brought him deep into Bel Air. These types of talks for humanitarian corridors are more and more dangerous as everyone gets radicalized with blood lust. All sides.
Even more, when we do these kinds of things now we dont know if we will be bombed while we are meeting- since bombs from drones is the new strategy as of some weeks ago.
The priest held his own in the dicussion seeking peace for his area, even though as he admitted later it is nerve racking to be in “enemy” territory, shelled out by war, with no way out, and surrounded by a gang armed to the teeth and not hiding the fact.
The central part of the discussion was the analysis from the point of view of the gang of why the area of that Church was under attack, with their suggestions as t how to solve it. The action steps are not easy at all but worth trying.
The whole dialogue spun large, covering many layers of what his happening in Haiti for these past years. It would make a fascinating short story to write it up.
The mountains of Kenscoff are no better off at all from gang presence. Many battles these past days, but none too close to our mission. The staff and children are still managing, but we remain vigilant.
We have spent a LOT of time the past week talking to immigration lawyers in the USA and Canada, and seeking out political contacts, because if the cancellelation yesterday of the Biden Parole, which we knew was coming. The families we have sponsored in that program are spared this Haitian nightmare, they entered the USA legally, have been working legally, have their children in schools supported by the taxes they pay, and need no help from welfare or government charity, They are suddenly illegal.
While we understand a parole is of limited duration, the conditions in Haiti are far, far worse than when they left and it would be disastrous for them to return here.
We are making some small headway with and for them.
And for all the above, we pray and pray and pray.
Moses wore his outstretched arms out praying. They needed to be held up by his brother Aaron and his nephew Hur. Maybe its time we start supporting each others tired and outstretched arms, as we pray together!
As long as Moses held up his hands, Israel prevailed; but when he lowered them, Amalek prevailed. 12When Moses’ hands grew heavy, they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur held his hands up, one on each side, so that his hands remained steady until the sun went down. (Exodus 17:11)