Second Week of Lent, Fr Rick shares some thoughts on the Sunday Mass Readings

A fine line is crossed when a noble virtue morphs into its deadly excess, and we need a regular inward vigilance to avoid it. Walking in balanced virtue given us the Christ-given power to produce with our lives fruit that will last, as Jesus willed- life, life fully, life eternally. Last weeks deadly sin was anger, this week it is pride. We need to cultivate and balance the values that these sins pervert: the healthy anger that protects goodness in a strong but tender way, and the steel-like strength of will that stays humble and serves truth.

Here is the video:

First Week of Lent, Fr Rick shares some thoughts on the Sunday Mass Readings

Lent as celebrating the two blessings of creation and redemption, Lent as purple: the royal purple of inner dignity, the purple of temporary shame, contrition, or woundedness, Lent as the discipline of allowing Jesus to open the prison door of inner imprisonment, Lent as resistance of the worldly and divisive spirit of fierceness, Lent as freedom to appreciate differences in people, learn from difference and be enriched by them, so as to live in peace with God and each other.
Here is the video:

Relating to the Abduction of MAGLOIRE Sherley

The St Luke Foundation announces to the general public and to the Haitian population that one of its employees, Mrs. MAGLOIRE Sherley, member of our Educational Council, has been kidnapped and missing since January 22, 2021. She was taken by unidentified and armed individuals, around 7:30 PM, in the town of Croix des Bouquets.

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An end of the year thanks from all of us at St Luke Foundation

To all our friends,
“At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” – Albert Schweitzer

Thank you for your solidarity and generosity in 2020

We pray for you and your families!

Click to the link to enjoy this message to you!!

Fr.Rick Frechette